School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School 2233 Village Square Parkway Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 5:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 p.m.
November 18, 2014 - Regular Meeting
Agenda Item #41

Item Title
Administrator Advocacy Award for Karen Robinson


Extra special congratulations to Karen Robinson, District Media Services Specialist, who received the 2014-2015 the Administrator Advocacy Award from the Florida Association of Media in Education.  This prestigious award is given to one administrator in the state.  It is not given out every year-only to those who merit recognition. FAME states:


“This award honors those district administrators, directors, superintendents, or supervisors who have made dynamic and significant contributions to the promotion of effective school library programs and services. It recognizes the significance of the role of the district administrator in developing successful school library programs within their own school districts that influence the community at large. The nominee consistently advocates for school library programs, recognizes the need for certified school library personnel, appropriate support personnel and supports the central role of the school librarian in developing effective school library programs that promote student achievement.”


As required, Karen was nominated by 4 Clay County Media Specialists: Kim Miskowski, Wendy West, Jeanette DiRocco, and Helen Williams.  Documentation was provided of her accomplishments to the selection committee and we are proud, but not surprised to say that she was selected.


Karen was recognized at the FAME conference on October 9th! 


Recommended Action

Financial Impact

Submitted By
Dr. Suzanne Herndon